Nhảy tới nội dung


Assets are the core building blocks of 1D6, doing everything from holding data to being the object that the player controls.

If you want a more in-depth explaination of the Asset structure and why it was made that way, check out The Asset Structure. Please be warned, it may be a little complex.

Creating your first Assets

Basic Item

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Basic Consumeable

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Making your assets visible

By default, any assets you make are not visible to any other mods, and are isolated to the side that it was placed on (client, server, or both). If you want to allow other mods to interact with your assets (intensionally, at least) then follow this section.

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Interacting with other assets

You can do this in 3 ways:

Via the Registry

1D6 has a global registry, which is a list of all the assets in the game, with their Identifier, which contains a human-friendly name and the class that this is refering to.

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Via Mixins / Reflection

This is generally the less perferable option, but if the mod creator didnt add the asset to the registry for some reason, and you know where the class exists, this is certainly an option.

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Via the Asset's API(s)

Some mods have their own APIs for accessing their assets. We wont explain how to access them