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Getting Started with the 1D6 API

1D6 uses a small monolithic server as its backend, allowing for user logins and holding all the mods that 1D6 has to offer.
The source code can be viewed here.

Each language has it's own SDK, and as such the documentation and inner workings for each of them is slightly different.
Below you can choose what language you want to use and it will carry across the whole page.


You can grab the .jar from Jitpack.
Add this to your build.gradle file.

plugins {
id 'application' // assuming you don't already have it

repositories {
maven { url "" }

dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.OneDSix:1d6-api:main-SNAPSHOT'

Logging In

In order to access most services on the API, you need to log in via a 1D6 account first.
Thankfully, its just a simple username-password combo. This will be changed later, but for right now this how you log in.

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